Tuesday, September 10, 2013

We Better Do It Next Year

As we were driving away from Cedar Campus at the end of our vacation, I had a sad realization.

Brian asked if everyone had a fun time, and if we all wanted to come back again. Of course the response was a resounding YES!
Then he asked if we should come back next summer, or the one after that. I thought for a moment and realized, We better do it next year. Because "the one after that" will be the summer after Elizabeth's first year of college. And maybe she won't be coming home for the summer. Maybe she'll be a camp counselor, or maybe she'll stay on campus for a summer job, or maybe...who knows what she'll be doing?

Once I went to college, I never moved back home to stay. All my college summers were spent away, then I graduated and got married. The summer after my senior year in high school was the last time I lived at "home", and I realized the same thing might be true of my baby girl.

So, we better take that vacation next year.


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