Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Dream Calendar

Some of you who have been with me for a while (Make that, a few years! *grin*) may remember my friend, Renee, and her daughter Allie. Allie has a condition called ITP - OK, it's called something much longer and more confusing than ITP. But I only know the initials. - which means she is constantly in danger of bleeding. Two years ago Renee had a dream for building an adaptive playground which would be safer for children like Allie to enjoy - but that's an expensive dream.
Another friend helped with the cause by producing a Dream Calendar - featuring the photographs of children who would benefit from such a play ground. And she's done it again. The 2011 Dream Calendar is available now! And all the proceeds are going to fund that play ground.
You can click here to see some of the amazing photos which will be in the calendar, and to order your own. (I ordered mine yesterday!)
Can't wait to see this dream come true!


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