Friday, December 20, 2019

It's My Pleasure

I love it when people understand that we can have fun in the midst of "business."
It brings joy to my heart when guests respond to my teasing with ribbing of their own.
I am delighted when we see each other as people, rather than as transactions.
And the memory of my interaction with "Jim" this week is still making me smile.

Jim smiled at me when I waved in his direction and said, "I'd be happy to serve you!" We had a pleasant interaction as I took his order, and then it came time for me to enter his name into the computer for his order. I said, "I'm so sorry. I don't remember your name. Will you please remind me of your name for your order?" (I have waited on him many times. Totally recognize his face, but couldn't recall his name...) He said somewhat loudly, in mock-irritation, "What, Karen??? You don't remember my name? I know your name!" Lauging, I replied, "That isn't fair. I'm wearing a name tag. If you wore a name tag, I'd remember your name, too!" At which time he told me his name, and I said, "Jim! Jim! Jim! I'll never forget it now." (His name isn't really Jim.)

Then he said, "Actually, 'Jim' hasn't always been my name, I had to change it. My name used to be 'Jack.' Once I was getting onto an airplane when a friend saw me and called out, 'Hi, Jack!'
"We were immediately tackled by security and rushed to airport jail, and I knew something had to change - or I'd never be able to fly with people I know again."
Thus, the next time I see him I'm thinking I might greet him by saying, "Hi, Jack!"
And when we finish laughing with one another, I'll take his order - and I'll surely remember his real name when it's time to enter it on the computer. *wink*


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