Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Another Favorite Song

I have so many favorite songs! I can't help it. God uses music to speak to me and touch my heart - and there are just so many that reach me tenderly. *peaceful sigh*
Most of my favorites come from Kathy Troccoli, but occasionally God sneaks one in from another artist. Like this one. I heard it for the first time last month when Brian and I were at the marriage retreat (click on the link if you want info about the retreat coming in March) and I still delight in the lyrics every time I listen.




All My Monkeys said...

Well, don't just stop at one Jason Gray song. THEY"ER ALL AWESOME!!! lol Yes, big JGRay fan here. He hails from my area and is actually a friend. Regardless, I am constantly moved by one or another of his songs. They touch a very deep place. I too am spoken/ministered to by music. In fact, just playing this song in the background as I comment and I'm in tears.

Try this one. It's his newest.

Karen Hossink said...

AMM - I wasn't able to view the song - something about UMG blocking it for copyright reasons. :( Anyway, I'll keep my ears open for it!