Friday, November 29, 2019

It's My Pleasure

I received an interesting question this week while working in the drive-thru.
Interesting, that is, because I think it was in part a serious inquiry.
The young man at the window wanted to know, "Do Chick-fil-A employees get fired if they aren't in a good mood? How is it that everyone can be so positive???"
I chuckled internally for just a moment before I responded, because I have frequently heard other guests wonder similar thoughts to one another. It seems many people want to know how we stay up-beat. So I was honest with the guest who had enough courage to come right out and ask the question.
First, I assured him that nobody loses their job if they're having a bad day.
Second, I shared that the whole "positivity" thing is actually a part of our training. One of the standards in the Core Four of how we interact with guests is to speak enthusiastically.
And then I told him about the reality of what it's like to work with Chick-fil-A folks. I mean, when you're around people who are consistently saying, "It's my pleasure!" "Absolutely!" "I'd be happy to!" and the like, well, it's pretty easy to follow suit.
We spent a few seconds pondering how natural it is to pick up on the positive attitude of those who surround us. We also recognized how quickly we can go the other direction. And then, just before he drove away we concluded that we ought to strive to be influencers who seek to bring other people up, rather than the ones who drag them down.
Yeah. A bit of philosophizing to go with breakfast.
We'll just call it Food for Thought in the Drive-thru.
I love my job!


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