Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Beauty and the Beau ~ The Tale Continues

We had a visitor this past weekend.
Elizabeth's beau, Nick, came to stay for a couple of days.

It's so sweet to see how happy she gets at the thought of his visits. :) And, to be honest, I enjoy them, too. Nick is a delightful young man. Thoughtful and polite and a joy to have around.

Saturday morning I walked into the family room to the two of them plus Nick's big black dog sitting on the couch; and Elizabeth using my sewing kit to perform some kind of surgery. Seems the big black dog had holes which needed mending, and Elizabeth was only too happy to help.
So, while Nick played the X-Box, Elizabeth stitched and the two of them chatted away. What a cute picture it was!
So cute, in fact, I grabbed the camera after surgery was complete to share the moment with you.
I must say, I am so thankful for the relationship these two are developing, and their openness to seeking guidance. Brian and Nick talk openly about this growing relationship. Elizabeth is eager to ask me questions and seek input. I know Nick talks with his own parents. And there are other significant adults building into the two of them.
So, so different from my own experience as a teenager stepping into the world of relationships for the very first time. Of course, I thought I knew everything back then, so I probably wouldn't have been open to discussion, anyway.

But as I look at Beauty and the Beau, I see two God-fearing kids who are humble and seeking to build a relationship which honors and pleases HIM. Oh! That fills my heart with joy!



Leah Adams said...

What a blessing! I pray they stay grounded and pure. It truly is the BEST way and it is what I pray each day for my step-son and nephews.

Karen Hossink said...

Leah - That is my prayer, as well.
It delights me to think of the benefits they will experience by following God's design for relationships. No regrets, no un-wanted memories. What a blessing!