Wednesday, January 17, 2018

God Loves...Larry Nassar???

I find myself completely convinced of a Truth, yet simultaneously struggling to believe it.

That is, I am absolutely, one-hundred percent, without a doubt convinced that God loves everyone. So much so that He gave His Son to die for us all, so that if anyone believes in Him - that person will not perish, but will have eternal life. Even the most vile of sinners. Yes, even that one.

But yesterday I watched a couple of testimonies given by women during the sentencing of a sexual predator. You've probably heard about him in the news. His name is Larry Nassar. And I was absolutely sickened by hearing what he did to these women when they were girls. It was wicked and vile and terrible and it destroyed part of their young lives. And I found myself nodding in agreement as I read comments people were posting with regard to their hopes for his future.
Then the camera moved to focus on Larry, and I saw the profile of a man with his head in his hands as he listened to what these women had to say to him. I wondered what must be going through his head. I felt disgusted at the sight of him. And then I thought, God loves that man.
But, wait! How could HE???
After all that man has done to those precious girls... How could God love him???

I cannot wrap my little brain around that kind of love. I cannot explain or understand it. I cannot imagine how it could apply even to a man like Nassar. Yet I am completely convinced of it. My Precepts class has just started a study of Jeremiah and yesterday God used our study to speak to my heart about His love for Larry Nassar.
Are you familiar with the book of Jeremiah? We've only made it through chapter four, but already I have seen the amazing love of God. His people have acted wickedly. God accuses them of forsaking Him, of acting as the harlot by worshiping other gods. He calls them faithless and treacherous, and tells them judgment is coming. And, certainly, judgment is deserved!
Yet, in nearly the same breath, God calls His people to repent. Because judgment is not what He wants to give. What He really wants is for His people to return to Himself so they can be in relationship with Him. Over and over again, God calls His faithless people to return - to acknowledge their iniquity, to confess their sin and disobedience - and to just return. Because HE LOVES THEM, in spite of their wickedness and treachery - which bring judgment when there is no repentance.
***I pray the United States of America would also heed this call!!!***
And so, God's dealing with - and desire for - His wicked, adulterous, unfaithful people makes me believe that HE also loves Larry Nassar. If Larry came to God with a broken and repentant heart, if he confessed his sin and sought forgiveness through the cleansing blood of Jesus, he could be made new by the power of the Holy Spirit.

So is my prayer for him.


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