Friday, January 26, 2018

Touched by an Angel

Sooooo, I had an incredibly delightful visit with Angel on Tuesday. And yesterday I intended to craft a nicely worded post to tell you all about it.

However, I received a phone call yesterday morning from a young lady who is dear to my heart. She wanted to come over to talk about how to trust God. And, friends, as much as I love writing - and as much as I love you - well, with that phone call, all thoughts of blogging went right out the window.

Two hours talking with a searching soul about God and life and trust and God?
That wins hands down. Every time!

P.S. I'll be speaking at a women's retreat Saturday and Sunday this weekend. Would so appreciate your prayers for my sensitivity to the Holy Spirit - and His voice to be heard by the women in attendance.



Sara K. said...

So encouraging! What's more exciting than being involved with what God's doing in people's lives?! :)

I was thinking of mom's who've walked the teen road before me, and I remembered your blog! Such a blessing to visit again! :)

Karen Hossink said...

Hi, Sara!
So good to see you. :)
Yes, it is such a good thing to be involved with what God is doing. More and more, that is just where I want to be.
Praying the teen years are going well for you. Thanks for visiting again. :)