Friday, June 08, 2007

The Irritable Mother's Survival Kit

Today was my kids' last day of school. Now they are all excited to be on summer vacation. Today my husband also left for the weekend - a work-related trip. Hmmm, this situation is strangely reminiscent of last year at this same time. Last year, though, Brian was gone for five days and this year it's only three.

Brian's absence a year ago, coming right on the heels of my kids being out of school, prompted me to consider how Jesus could possibly have loved the crowds of people who pressed in on Him and made endless demands. I had a crowd of only three, and they were successfully taking me to my wits' end. I wondered how Jesus loved so well.
As I looked at Jesus' habits in dealing with people, I felt I was able to take some of the things He did and apply them to my kids. The ideas were really so simple, and I was amazed at how much they helped me when I was feeling particularly irritable. While I was going through this time of learning, I was also in the midst of writing my book so I wrote down the things I was learning and called it The Irritable Mother's Survival Kit. I intended to include it as an appendix in the book.
Toward the end of the editing process, however, my editor called me and said she thought I should make the Survival Kit "more available." She thought I should include it on my website. So, I did.

As I was thinking about the challenge it is for me sometimes to love my kids as well as I want to, and how much the ideas in the Survival Kit have helped me, I realized I've never talked about the Survival Kit here in my blog. (It's an honest oversight. Really. I wasn't trying to be selfish!) Anyway, if you've never visited my website, please consider yourself invited to stop over. You can sign up for The Irritable Mother's Survival Kit on the homepage and it will be delivered to your inbox shortly.
Here's to loving our kids well this summer!

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Annie said...

My kids have been out a full week now. They are all (except Izzy) leaving for camp or canada this week so it will be quiet around here. I have been amazed at how they are best friends one minute and fighting the next. I fall back on the "do you want me to call your father?" too often. It's funny having a 16 year old who is basically bored and hormonal but a perfect girl nonetheless... a 13 year old son who flip flops between being a total teen to a little boy daily... and a 9 year old who really acts more like a teenager unless she is tired and then she is a whiny mess. I have been blessed with the most wonderful children, and I take my job as raising them to love God with all their hearts very seriously. It is easier said than done when they are fighting over the last 8 pizza rolls though :o)
I went over and signed up for your survival kit, that might come in handy. I feel like a slug for not reading your book yet. It has just been so busy constantly, but I'm expecting a break long enough while they are away to read it and I can't wait.
Hope you are having a relaxing weekend full of blessings.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for reading my blog and leading me here to read yours. You are right we seem to have alot in common and I love reading your stories of your kids. My son will be out of school next thursday and I know I will be feeling the pressure of everyone pulling at me 24/7. With the good Lord's help we mother's will survive summer. I look forward to reading your blog, you're great!

KarenW said...

I signed up for your newsletter. Thanks!

"Read Alouds" Not the most grammatically correct term I suppose, but it simply means books read out loud. It's our favorite time of day because I love to read aloud and I let my children draw or do something else quietly while they listen. Even my 16 year old son still enjoys this time. He's my artist and he's gotten lots of drawing practice over the years!

Queen of My Domain said...

I really think dads intentionally plan to be out of town that first week of summer. It always seems to happen. Glad you put your website link up since I didn't realize you had one. Can't wait to read your survival kit.

Jenileigh said...

Thanks for sharing more insight that has been given to you. I'm looking forward to the survival kit! We are schooling part time through the goal being at least two days a week. :)