Wednesday, July 02, 2008

HE Laughs

For several weeks now I have been saying I think I could "handle" running so much better if I had an ipod. Something about music makes painful things tolerable to me.
Well, my dear husband had an ipod at work and last night he brought it home. We sat on the couch and loaded some songs from my favorite CDs and a couple more from itunes, and this morning I found out how much music truly helps me run.
I got up, got my running gear on, figured out the ipod and was on my way. And Sandi Patty, Keith Green, and Barry Manilow came with me. We had a blast!
As I was running and listening to some of my favorite tunes, I was reminded God laughs. I had the ipod set to play the songs randomly and I am just sure God was picking the order of play. I imagine He was smiling as He watched me gliding along listening to Sandi Patty sing "You Set Me Free," and when I was laughing at Keith Green's silliness in "He'll Take Care of the Rest."
Then there was Barry Manilow singing "Chatanooga Choo Choo." I love this song and as I ran I sort of moved my arms like a kid pretending to be a train. I am such a dork! But it was early enough - I'm sure God was the only one watching. And HE laughs.
As I turned the corner to begin a long, straight stretch, Keith started singing, "Oh, you can run to the end of the highway and not find what you're looking for." I'm sure I heard Him laugh at that one, and simply said, "Thanks for the encouragement!"
But the best laugh came as I finished running up a fairly long hill. I had turned around to head home and literally as I began the downhill descent Keith's voice rang through my ears, "Thank You, Jesus!" I laughed out loud, and echoed Keith's words.

Many times God uses music to lift me up when I am down, to minister hope to me, or to speak His love. Today I am sure He was using it to laugh with me.

And I am sure of one other thing. Having an ipod is going to help me enjoy running!

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Anonymous said...

You are right! no tears today...just a big smile.
Honestly, that is one image that I have never had in my head... God laughing that is. But I imagine you are right... He DOES laugh. Afterall...he created joy and laughter!
I do imagine Him smiling and gentle..thanks to a Snoodles Tale from Veggie Tales. (total dork moment there)
Thanks for the giggles!
God bless-

Melissa said...

I don't know how I ever exercised without my iPod. When I "competed" (I use that term very loosely!) in the two-mile walk recently, I had mine set to a great praise and worship album. It sure was hard to walk and not raise my hands! I'm sure the other walkers thought I was crazy as I was praising the Lord, but it got me through!

Natalie Witcher said...

I totally agree about having an iPod! It makes such a big difference! Way to go! Found you on Speaks Thru Me!

Unknown said...

I love my ipod too - makes walking (no running for me) and excercising at the gym so much more enjoyable.

I also listed to lots of podcasts, particularily and night if I can't sleep. It's like being read a bed-time story (!) and it does not keep my husband awake!

momteacherfriend said...

I like Keith Green.
It does make a big difference, working out with music. One of my favorite sets is the Rocky Soundtrack. Motivates me every time.

Mrs.Naz@BecomingMe said...

Loved this!!!!!!!!

Mamajil said...

I enjoyed your blog!!!

KarenW said...

Thanks for your story and the laugh!

Jackie said...

Oh wow. I haven't listened to Keith Green in a LONG time, but I love him. He had the sort of lyrics that cut right to the heart.

God truly does have a sense of humor. :)

luvmy4sons said...

Too cute! Yes. I agree. I think God very much does laugh. And I think He loves it that you enjoy Him that way!

concerned parent said...

I want an I-pod and just have not gotten one yet I can see it making a difference on a daily run lOl!!!
What a hoot

Penny said...

It works for housework too! Plug it in your ears and watch the dust fly! :)

Ronel said...

So true!!

ThreeGirlyGirls said...

Do you know that one of the main reasons I have stopped running is because my MP3 player went bad!! It really does help!!! I guess I'd better get a new one! =)

Shawna said...

I love that you write about how personal your relationship is with Jesus, with God. As Christians, we all say we have a "personal" relationship with Christ, but what does that really mean? You've got it nailed. Thank you for always being encouraging.