Friday, March 18, 2011

Lessons from the Edge

You've got to ask the question.

Oh, friends, I am so excited!
Do you remember me telling you about D - one of my favorite residents - who was in the hospital a while ago with a broken rib? I told you that I had been talking with D about God's love for him, visiting him in the hospital and praying with him. I know some of you were praying for D, too. *Thanks!*
Well, D has been back at Edgewood for a couple of months now. And we have been continuing our 'argument' that God does, in fact, love D. I even got him to come to Bible study a few weeks ago. (I *might* have bribed him by telling him that I was going to be singing.)
So, Monday C (Remember her? I wrote about her last week.) and I were talking with D, and the conversation quickly turned to Jesus. Love it when HE does that! I was telling D that all he needs to do to be forgiven and have a relationship with God is to believe that Jesus paid for his sins, and to ask God to forgive him and make him new. I said, "It's really that simple."
This wasn't the first time we'd had this conversation, and I felt God prompting me to keep going. I felt Him saying, Ask the question.
So I did.
I said to D, "Do you want to pray right now and ask Jesus to come into your life as your Forgiver?"
And D? Said, "Yes"!!!!

So the three of us - D, C, and I - stood in the hallway holding hands as I lead D through a prayer of confession and acceptance of salvation.

It was a beautiful thing!

And it reminded me, you can talk and talk - and giving testimony is good - but you've also got to ask the question!



Leah Adams said...

Yippee God!!! So thankful for your faithfulness and obedience to ask the question.


Karen Hossink said...

Leah - And I am so thankful for God's faithfulness!

TheUnSoccerMom said...

This brought tears to my eyes.
God has been telling me, every day that HE is powerful enough to do ANYTHING, but if I only rely on myself, "it" won't be done. And this is another reminder... :o)

It's a good thing!

TheUnSoccerMom said...

OH! yeah... to answer your question, I have 3 degrees. A.S. in Human Services & A.A. in Sociology and a B.S. in Psychology.

I don't do anything remotely in my line of education, but it's nice to have that psychology degree... it helps me "read" people and 9x's out of 10 I can tell when someone's lying.

I've always felt God's calling to "help people" so I thought those degrees would get me where I needed to be. DUH! God will get me where I need to be, it's just nice to have the proof that I'm "formally educated". :o)

Anonymous said...

Big, HUGE Smiles here!! Oh that is the best!!
Following HIS prompts often takes much courage. SO GLAD you did!!

Holy hugs,

Steph said...

Praise God! I am so thankful that you have ears to hear, Karen. There's another jewel in your crown!

Patricia said...

WONDERFUL!!! Love how HE "nudged" you to ask the question! :)

What a blessing you are to so many!

Have a great weekend!!

Sara K. said...

Super cool! God is so awesome!!

O Mom said...

this is just beautiful!

Karen Hossink said...

Jodi - Love it when God speaks. HE is powerful enough!
That's a lot of schooling! Yeah, God will get you there, but the education is good, too.

Kathie - I'm glad, too. Wondering 'what if I had...' is no fun!

Steph - Praise God, indeed!

Patricia - Thank you. :o)

Sara - Yes, He is!

O Mom - The grace of God is the most beautiful thing I know.

BASSakward Tales said...

that is AWESOME...they are so blessed to have you ....God is ALWAYS on time...