Simple kindnesses mean so much.
Monday afternoon I got a call at work from a woman named Wanda. She said she had some craft items she's been making all year, which she wanted to bring over for our residents. Wondered if I could come up with a way to give the items away.Well, yeah! I didn't know exactly how or when I would do it, but I was happy to receive her donation. And when she brought it all over, I was even more excited! Seriously. This dear woman brought over lots and lots of items. Pillows, wall hangings, pin cushsions, cross-stitch pictures, even some MSU Christmas trees. She put a lot of time and love into these pieces, and I was happy to be able to give them to the residents at Edgewood.I decided to bring everything down to the library - which is right by the dining room - and invite people to come in before and after lunch to "Pick their own Christmas present".Most residents were surprised that someone had brought in Christmas presents for them. And when they came into the library and saw how beautiful the work was, their smiles got even bigger. I reminded them a woman in our community had been working on these items throughout the year and that she'd brought them in as gifts. There was no money to be paid, just gifts to be received.
The 'ooh's and 'aah's, the smiles and joyful laughter, and the comments like, "Really? I can just have this?" made me so grateful for Wanda's kindness. I wish I had taken her phone number so I could contact her to thank her for her generosity and the joy she brought to Edgewood. I want to let her know the impact of her simple kindness.But I don't know how to contact her. And so I am hoping that by sharing the lesson here, each one of us will be inspired to carry on Wanda's caring ways. Not just in this season, but all year through.Simple kindnesses mean so much. *************************************************************
Like most of the blogging world, I am going to be taking a break for the next two weeks. LORD willing, I will be back on January 2, 2012.
Have a very Merry CHRISTmas. May the joy of the LORD fill your heart and your home!