Friday, April 06, 2012

Good Friday, Indeed

Yesterday I spoke of God carrying me. Doing for me that which I cannot do on my own.
And today the reality of that statement couldn't be any more REAL.
Because today as we remember Jesus' crucifixion, the truth that I could not save myself - that I needed Jesus' blood shed for me - weighs on my heart.

Jesus lived a perfect, sinless life.
HE didn't deserve to die. That was my path.
But HE took it.
Because if HE didn't, there was no way for me to be re-united with the Father. Nothing I could do would bridge that gap.

Jesus paid the price for my sin. HE made the way for me to have eternal life by dying on the cross. Doing for me that which I cannot do on my own.

And that, indeed, makes this a very GOOD FRIDAY. Thank You, JESUS!

***If you have never responded to Jesus' sacrifice for you, may I invite you today to do so?
Please email me and we can talk about it more.



Leah Adams said...

Oh how grateful I am that He died on that cross. I cannot imagine anyone dying for me, but He did and I'm so thankful. Happy Resurrection weekend, my friend.

Karen Hossink said...

Leah - I'm grateful with you, friend.
Happy Resurrection weekend to you! :)