Wednesday, August 01, 2018

I Know It's Difficult

Dear Julie,
We've never met, but I know your mother-in-law. And she told me about you.
She told me that you have young kiddos, and you're struggling right now.
I know about the frustration. And the yelling. (Yeah. She told me about that, too.)
She also told me that she gave you a copy of my book. So, pretty soon you'll know that I understand your struggle and frustration very, very well. You'll know that I used to be a yell-er, too. You'll know that there is no judgment coming from me regarding your performance as a mother.
But more than those things, my prayer is that you will know HOPE.
Yes, Julie, because I have been where you are, because the pain and the battle are so familiar to me, and because God has graciously given me hope in the midst of it all.
HE has shown me there is a purpose.
And it is beautiful!
Ahhhh, the hard times don't get easier just because I have this confidence.
But with it, HE carries me through.

So, Julie, I am praying for you today.
I am asking God to speak to your heart - even through the words in that book. I pray God will open your eyes to see the good thing HE is doing in the midst of your struggle. I pray HE will allow your spirit to have understanding. I pray HE will fill you with HOPE.

And for everyone reading who isn't "Julie", I pray God will also give you hope to carry you through whatever this day holds.


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