Friday, January 24, 2020

It's My Pleasure

True story: Words simply cannot convey the very real pleasure my job is to me.

Yesterday included one of many occasions I have had to serve someone who is eating at Chick-fil-A for the first time. Now, whenever I learn that a person is making their initial visit, I make a point of welcoming them and letting them know I am glad they've come. And I take extra care to explain the way we do things - like the table markers, and sauces, and beverage re-fills.
But yesterday when "Sam" came in, he brought additional opportunities for me to pour out kindness. First, he had come quite a distance to get to us, so I showered him with love for making the drive. Second, he had no clue what he was doing or what to order, so I was able to "hold his hand" though the process and make him feel comfortable. And, third, he was taking lunch back home to his wife, so I let him know what a great guy he was for thinking of her - and I was able to help him pick things she might like.
That entire interaction was a joy to me. And to him, too, I hope!

Then there was "Will." He wasn't having the best of days, but something I said led to him responding with a smile. And I said, "Ahhhh, you smiled!" And his smile grew a bit more, even with a small chuckle. I told him then, "I want to take your order and get you the meal you desire, but my greater goal is for your day to be brighter." "You have accomplished your goal," he said with another smile.
And my heart beamed.

Near the end of the day I was beginning to worry because I had been given one of our cow mascot plush toys to give away to someone, and I had yet to meet the child to whom I felt led to give it. But then my co-worker saw some siblings come in with (I'm guessing) their grandma and he said, "Maybe that's them!"
After Grandma placed their order I said, "OK. Now I'm hoping you can help me with a little problem I'm having," and I brought the cow into their view. "My cow is very lonely, and I need to find friends for him who will love him and take very good care of him. Can you please help me? I really need somebody to take care of my cow and love him well." And I'm telling you, the eyes in these kids just lit up.
Initially I had a slight concern about whether "sharing" the cow would be a problem, but as we interacted I could see that this brother and sister would work well together in giving my cow a good home - and I believe the delight in my heart matched the happiness in theirs as I handed "Chick-fil-A" over to them. (That's what they decided to name him. Chick-fil-A.)

I could go on with stories just from yesterday which bring me joy, but I'll stop with these three.
The thing is, every day I want to be where God wants me to be, doing what HE wants me to do. I just want to be a conduit of His love to this world in which I'm living. And each day I'm at work I have the very real sense that HE is giving me those opportunities.
Ahhhh, it's my pleasure!!!


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