Wednesday, January 22, 2020

The Current Contents of my Bathroom Cabinet

My husband and I have a running joke about "making Grandma Hossink proud."
That is, Brian's grandmother was known for her dutch-ness.
For being frugal.
For using every last drop of a thing before throwing it away.
Thus, when I refuse to dispose of an item because I am convinced there is at least one more serving or portion or usage or bit in it, I joyfully defend myself declare, "Grandma Hossink would be so proud!"

And those were precisely the words which went through my mind as I noticed the extent to which I was *ahem* honoring her with my toiletries. Check this out:

This is my current deodorant container. I mean, I have a new bottle, but I'm still using this one because - clearly - it still contains product. Granted, I have to use a cotton swab to extract the product, and my finger to apply it. But this stuff isn't cheap (And I am!!!) and I don't want to throw any of it away. So I'll keep on being thrifty until the last of it is used.

This bottle is my moisturizer. A week or so ago it seemd to be empty, but when I put it away upside down I proved to myself that it wasn't. Actually, both last night and this morning I truly thought I had gotten the last of it. Yet here it still sits, because I have a feeling I can squeeze one more usage out of it.

And finally, there's this. (Which, technically, is from a drawer and not my cabinet. But who's being technical???) Do you see in the lower left corner, the one remaining bit of blush? I could have thrown this make-up away weeks ago when I bought its replacement, but that would have made Grandma sad. And I would much rather make her proud. Which I'm sure I did by crushing that little bit of blush with my tweezers, and capturing the crumbs on my blush brush - to apply one last time to my cheeks.

Ah, yes.
I never had the opportunity to meet Grandma Hossink. She passed many years before I even met Brian. But I'm sure we would have been fast friends, as we compared notes on being frugal, and encouraged one another on in our efforts to use every last drop. *wink*


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