Tuesday, May 03, 2011

This is the Stuff

No one will ever be able to convince me that God doesn't speak through songs.

It was my day off.
I had plans for what I wanted to do.
The first interruption came when I needed to take something to my son at school.
Then there was the 'quick' dentist appointment. That ended up taking over an hour.
A run to the grocery store, and then I'd be able to get to my things.
Oh, but since I was out I figured I ought to stop in another store to see if I could pick up something I need at work.
They didn't have it.
But they were kind enough to recommend another place I could look.
Uh, they didn't have it, either.

Whatever, I'll just go home now, I thought. And I'll get to do what I want to do!

Oh, but then I remembered I needed to stop by the library to pick up a movie for 'Movie Night' at Edgewood.
Just one more interruption...

Finally, on my way home - as I was feeling a little antsy because of the morning's delays and interruptions - I was just sure God was in control at the radio station. Because this song (which I'd never heard before) came on the radio. What a delightful perspective check. *grin*



TheUnSoccerMom said...

That's my JAM! So true! :o)

Leah Adams said...

Now, if I could just always remember that THIS IS THE STUFF!!

Patricia said...

I *think* this song was written just for me! *wink* Thanks for sharing this, Karen! Now, let me go find my keys...without getting aggravated! ;)

Karen Hossink said...

Jodi - I've been sining this all day today. Love it!

Leah - So many good things for us to remember. Guess that's why I like it so much when I find a song that speaks to me, cuz then I can sing it through the day and remember it better. ;)

Patricia - You made me giggle. Did you find your keys??? *wink*

Wendy said...

I first heard this song on a long, lonely drive home from Kansas. Couldn't wait to share it with my older daughters once I got back; now we sing it every time we're running errands. (Great reminder to watch my speed, too! lol)

Karen Hossink said...

Wendy - That's a great idea!
I found myself singing it tonight as I was driving to the convenience store on the corner to pay WAY TOO MUCH for a dozen eggs - because 'someone' used all the eggs today and I needed ONE to make muffins for dinner. *sigh* This is the stuff!