Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Please Fight for Him

The LORD God Almighty

Who is HE?

He is the Lord of Hosts. The Leader of the fight.

Sunday morning our worship leader was talking about the LORD God Almighty and reminded us that - as the Lord of Hosts (That's the literal translation.) - God fights for us. He directs His heavenly army to do battle for us. And our worship leader encouraged us to trust the One who leads the fight for us.
In that moment my heart was drawn to the truth I'd just heard. And I began praying, LORD God Almighty, please fight for him!

You see, I have a teenage son. And I get scared for him. Right now he is terribly self-centered and self-absorbed. He seems to have almost no interest in the things of God, but only the things of his own pleasure. And I really don't know if it's a 'phase' thing, or a heart issue. I know I cannot force my son to love God. I can only pray and be a model for him. And I do both of those things to the best of my ability.

Even so, that makes me feel woefully inadequate.

Which is why I think I was so drawn to the image of the LORD God Almighty. The Lord of Hosts, fighting for us. I know God loves Joshua. I know it is His desire that Joshua would love Him back, and follow Him closely. And so I prayed with confidence that God would fight for my son's heart. That HE would do battle with all the things vying for Joshua's affections. Yes, LORD. Please fight for him!

Is there someone or something for which you have been battling? You can trust the LORD God Almighty. Call upon him to do battle for you!



TheUnSoccerMom said...

Christen also has times where she is very self-centered and would rather honor her own desires rather than God's, but I pray this is just part of the "teenager" deal and will pass. She loves her youth group and is very active. If she didn't have them, if God didn't show His love through them, I'm not sure where she'd be right now.

Praying for Joshua's heart and that this too shall pass. :o)

Karen Hossink said...

Jodi - I have to trust that God knows how to reach our kids. He reached me, when I didn't even know I needed reaching.
Thanks for praying! ;o)