Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The PEACE Which Transcends All Understanding

Oh, have we been through it with our girl.

To give you all the details would make for a very long post. So, here's the abridged version:
Elizabeth was starting to date a non-Christian guy. Nice kid, but not a Believer. Brian and I talked with her (again) about the importance of being equally yoked, and we talked about how hard it can be to draw back once we've allowed our feelings for a person to take root.
The two of them agreed to be 'just friends' again, but it was not without tears. Elizabeth even came to us once (in tears) asking if we would support her dating him just during high school, if they promised to break up before college. We talked about trusting God, about waiting on His timing, and about believing that His best for us is better than our best for us - even if it means we have to wait, or *gasp!* endure hardship. Through tears - but with a smile - she said, "You guys make so much sense!"
We prayed together, and encouraged Elizabeth to keep seeking God on this subject.

A week or so later, Elizabeth came into my room again to talk about this relationship. She said her friends just don't understand. Why would she give up having a boyfriend because that's what she believed God wanted her to do? She said, though it seems like she should be crying because of their comments, she really feels OK. Good, even.
At that point I grabbed my Bible and read Philippians 4:6-7 to Elizabeth.
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Then I said to her, "I think that's what you're experiencing. You've prayed about this decision. You've committed it to God, and now He is giving you peace!"
She liked that. And so did I.
How beautiful to see The WORD come to life like that in my daughter's life!



Patricia said...

Beautiful, indeed!! And thank you so much for sharing this experience with us. I know I have a few years before we go through this with Kiara, but seeing how you have handled it helps me to mentally "prepare"! :)

You are such a great momma! And it sounds like you have a wonderful daughter! :)

Karen Hossink said...

Patricia - A few years before the relationships start up, yes. But I don't think it's ever too early to begin the discussions and seed-planting.
Elizabeth is, indeed, a wonderful girl. And I think the positive nature of our interactions on this subject are largely because we've been talking about it for YEARS.