Friday, May 25, 2018

Ahead of Schedule

So, the flower seeds I planted last Friday?
They're sprouting. LOOK!!!

What? You don't believe me???
Look again. CLOSER this time!
Can you see them? The ones in front are very tiny.
But they're there!
And I am so excited. You can tell the level of my excitement by the fact that I already know they're sprouting. That is, the seed packets said sprouts would show up in 7-10 days. And if I am counting correctly, I discovered these little guys on day six!

The thing is, already - before the flowers are even a centimeter high, and waaaaaaay before they're blooming beautiful colors - I am not even thinking about the work I put into getting the flower bed ready. I don't care that my hands were hurting. My sore muscles are long forgotten. I am simply enjoying keeping the soil watered and anticipating the growth of the flowers.
I am equally enjoying the thought of God's perfect care for His children - His delight in preparing us and helping us grow into the likeness of His Son. I cherish the idea that everything we do in our efforts to grow in Christ - when we bring ourselves under the power of the Holy Spirit - through studying His Word, in prayer and contemplation, in service and sacrifice, all of it produces in us life and beauty which is fully worth all the effort.
Sometimes it's hard for us to see.
Sometimes we have to wait a long time.
But - always - we can trust Him!


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