Thursday, May 03, 2018

I Guess I'm Nesting

What do you call it when you get the urge to clean your daughter's bathroom - because she's moving home in four days and the bathroom hasn't been cleaned (or used!) for months?
When you've gotten used to stains on the basement carpeting but now feel they must be cleaned? (Because your daughter is moving home in four days, and her room is in the basement.)
And the next thing you know you find yourself on your hands and knees scrubbing the shower, cleaning the toilet, washing the floor, and even scouring the grout between each tile. Then, before you can do anything about it - you're pretreating spots, assembling the carpet shampooer (Is that even a word?), and cleaning the basement carpeting.
Not to mention the fact that before all these shenanigans began you had lugged the vacuum out to the garage to thoroughly clean the van? Which you have meant to do for weeks, but only became motivated enough to actually do it because you knew in four days you were going to be loading all your daughters things into it and bringing her home.
The only way I can explain it, is this: I must be nesting again.
But, what gives? I mean, I didn't even get this crazy the first time I brought her home 22 years ago. Of course, the size of my belly at that time was prohibitive of things like getting on my hands and knees to scrub floors...

Ahhh, I'm looking forward to bringing my girl home. For one more last time ever.


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