Thursday, May 10, 2018

Once Upon a Time

I don't very often think of things I did five years ago.
Honestly, I hardly remember half the things I did last week!
But yesterday had me remembering something I did in 2013 (Or maybe it was in 2012. Yeah, it probably was. Er, I'm not entirely sure.) and delighting in the fact that God never forgets.

That is, I received an email from someone I do not know - with this picture attached:

The writer of the email had seen this post and was encouraged by the devotion. God used it to speak to her heart, and the fact that she took whatever time was necessary to track me down and send me an email spoke to my heart, as well.
The thing is, I cannot recall the last time I thought about that devotion. Like - it's probably been years. Yet, yesterday somebody picked up her Bible and read those words which I penned several years ago. And God spoke to her - so much so that she posted the devotion on Facebook for anyone to see. And her friend saw it - and God spoke to her heart, too.
No matter that I'd virtually forgotten I had ever written those words.
God hasn't forgotten, and He isn't finished speaking through them.

So I sat at the table, my computer opened in front of me, nearly in tears as I thanked God.
Thanked Him for carrying me through those really difficult years.
Thanked Him for the truths He has spoken to my heart and used to shape my life.
Thanked Him for the opportunity and ability to share those truths through the written word.
Thanked Him for knowing what we need - when we need it - and for delivering it at just the right time.
Indeed. Our God is good.
And I want to be His instrument!


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