Wednesday, May 23, 2018

She Said Yes to the Dress

Soooooo, Elizabeth and her friend and I went wedding dress shopping yesterday...
And after a lot of trying on and smiling and ooohing and re-trying on and aaahing and grinning and trying on one more time, Elizabeth picked her wedding dress!!!
It is so beautiful, and absolutely right for her.
And do you know what it has me thinking about?
I mean, besides remembering when I was a young woman choosing the dress in which I would pledge my life to the man of my dreams. *wink*
Elizabeth's wedding gown has me thinking about Jesus preparing a Bride for Himself. It has me thinking about HIM transforming me, making me into HIS image - so I might resemble Jesus in thought and word and deed.
The thing is, that man to whom I pledged my life almost 25 years ago is sitting beside me as I type these words. And, to be honest, I sense the Spirit of the Lord nudging me to set the computer aside and focus my attention on my husband.
And, to be honester (That's a real word. I just made it up!) I am convinced that I am not going to be made more into the likeness of Christ if I ignore the promptings of His Spirit. So, I'm signing off now.
With the good news that Elizabeth picked her dress.
And the better news that I am choosing Jesus!

Grace and peace to you today, my friends!


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