Friday, February 27, 2009

What's on the Agenda?

To Do:
Make Friday's dinner.
Make Saturday's dinner.
Fold launrdy.
Go to the store.
Go to the post office.
Get gas.
Pick up Elizabeth's books.
Practice new talk one more time.
Leave for Holland.

OK, thanks for bearing with me as I think through my day. I am sooooo looking forward to tomorrow and the opportunity to speak at the Kaliedoscope conference - as well as to meet a couple fellow bloggers.
And thanks to a sweet email I received from Larie yesterday, I am reminded that God has already worked out the details on this To Do list of mine - hence I am able to be anxious for nothing!
If you think about me tomorrow morning, please pray that God will speak through me to the heart of each woman present in my Focus Groups. Thank you!!!

I'll be back Monday with pictures. *grin*

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Larie Carlice Proverbs 27:19 said...

I am looking forward to hearing how great the conference went.

Relax, keep open communication with God and do not fret if "your" schedule is interrupted while you complete your preparations.

I love you Karen.


luvmy4sons said...


I ask Your traveling mercies to be upon Karen. I pray You inspire her and renew her strength. Give her Your words of wisdom to speak. Bless her trip. Bless all those in attendance. Bless her today as she prepares. Make straight her way and remove obstacles so that she might get all accomplished. We thank You Jesus that You see her. We thank You Jesus that You have planned all of her days before one of them came to be. We thank You Jesus for Your work in her and through her. Bless her and keep her. Make Your face to shine upon her and be gracious to her. Lift Your countenance upon her and give her peace. In Your name, Lord. Amen.

Jessica Nelson said...

OH my gosh.
You make dinners ahead of time? Whew. Go you!

Anonymous said...

Hope you are enjoying the weekend.


Teresa said...

Can't wait to hear about the conference! And you get a gold star for making those dinners ahead of time..*grin*
