Friday, November 05, 2010

Lessons from the Edge

Life is precious. Thank God for each moment.


I am working with elderly people now.
And elderly people tend to show the effects of aging, and then they die.
This is not news to me.

But I didn't expect the first-hand experience of this reality to impact me as it has.
Really. I am 39 years old, and I've only lost two of my grandparents. Yet, in the three months I've been at Edgewood, we've seen four residents pass away. And another is nearing her death. Except that I know some of these residents knew the LORD, it makes me so sad.
I interacted with a new resident this week who was confused and didn't know where he was. He was 'lost' in his new home and was crying - asking God to just take him now. I showed him where his apartment was, I talked with him and prayed with him, but the ache in my heart was huge.
I'm seeing things and experiencing feelings which I simply did not anticipate when I took this job. While there is much joy to be had, there are also these moments which leave me taking a deep breath and considering how precious life is. Because on any given day I might go into work and find that someone has gone to the hospital. And the next day, they might have passed away.

I know young people have troubles and die, too. But at Edgewood I'm seeing it with greater frequency and intensity. And it's causing me to remember ~

Life is precious. Thank God for each moment.



Patricia said...

Absolutely, positively....praise God for every single moment.

Have a wonderful, "Jesus-ful", weekend, Karen!

Jackie said...

Yes, life is absolutely precious! We have to enjoy every moment and thank God.

Nicky Abram said...

Hi Karen, this must be tough! You are a very brave lady..God bless you sister.

Enyonam said...

Absolutely, Life is precious and each has to be lived to the glory of God with a thankful heart and gratitude. I guess sometimes as people, we take gift of life for granted.

Thank you Karen, for this timely reminder.

God bless you,

Karen Hossink said...

Patricia - Thanks. You, too! *grin*

Jackie - Sometimes we need to be reminded just how precious it is, ya know?

Nicky - It can be tough, but it is also incredibly rewarding.

Enyonam - Yes, we do take life for granted sometimes. I am so thankful that God is gracious and patient, aren't you?

Angie Muresan said...

So very true, Karen. Life is so very precious. It is such a gift to be alive. I don't know if you know this, but I run a hospice home (It's why I don't have time for blogging as I once did). Some of the people passing away have made their peace with death and are ready to face eternity, but most aren't. And it saddens me.

Karen Hossink said...

Angie - I didn't know that!
My grandfather was in hospice care before he died. What an amazing group of people there! Each one was a tremendous blessing to all of us. Thanks for all you do!