Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Today I'm at SHE Blogs!

Have you ever been talking to someone, sharing from the wealth of wisdom you’ve accumulated over your life, and realized God may be speaking directly to … YOU? That’s what happened to me over Labor Day weekend.

To read the rest, click here!



Anonymous said...

Ohhhhhh yeah...can I so relate! How many times have my own words bounced right back in my direction?? In total honesty...lost count a long time ago..."grin". All I can say is how thankful I am for God's mercy and grace when I fail. Thank you for reminding me...Sweet Karen.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends...

Blessings and much Joy,
Debby Ann

Karen Hossink said...

Debby Ann - Yes. Every time that happens, I am reminded of God's mercy and grace. And he fills me with thanksgiving all over again!