Friday, June 29, 2012

Lessons From the Edge

It's OK to repeat yourself.

I had a wonderful visit with D at rehab this week.
Poor guy has been in and out of the hospital and rehab facility for nearly two months now. Seriously. He hasn't been at Edgewood since early May. Maybe even late April.
Anyway, I went to see him Tuesday evening and while I was there I asked what he thinks about all day laying in that bed. I asked if he ever thinks about God, and he said he does. Then he got real honest and said he often wonders if he's going to make it to heaven. He said he wonders if he's going to be judged "good enough" to get in.

I accepted that invitation!

In the next moments, I reminded D that none of us will ever be "good enough." I reminded him it's only by the blood of Jesus we can be forgiven and made right with God. And I asked if he remembered when we prayed together at Edgewood to ask Jesus to forgive D, and to make a place for him in heaven.
D said he didn't remember, and he asked if we could pray again. I told him I was sure God had not forgotten, but if it made D feel better - we could pray again. He liked that idea. So I shared the gospel with him once more and we prayed again, asking God to forgive D and make him new.
Then I reminded him - it's a done deal. Our new phrase is, "No worries!" The smile on his face and the peace in his eyes was priceless.

And even though God hadn't forgotten the first time D prayed, I am confident He didn't mind hearing it again. In fact, I think I could almost hear Him whisper, It's OK to repeat yourself.


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