GOD is all over the details.
OK, this is not a new lesson for me. God has shown me His involvement in my details many, many times. But He did it again this week, and I can't resist sharing!I went into work Tuesday at 12:30. I immediately wrote a list of the announcements I needed to make and then went into the dining room to share them with the residents. Then, I checked my mailbox on my way back to my office.
In my mailbox I found a note which said MH had called to cancel for the birthday party we were having that afternoon - due to car troubles. And I'd just announced to the residents that MH would be there. Now, with less than two hours until the party, I was wondering what kind of entertainment I'd be able to conjure up. I can only tell jokes and sing silly songs for so long. They weren't going to be happy with just me. But, surely, there was not enough time to find a replacement! Oh, me of little faith.
I went back to my office and called MB. Explained my situation and asked if there was any way she could come play the piano and lead a sing-a-long during the birthday party in *ahem* less than two hours. She said yes!!! And the birthday party was a success. Not to mention the fact that MB charges $15 less than MH, so I added a few dollars from my activities budget to my birthday party savings, went out the next day, and bought a Black Jack table cover for the Vegas Party coming up in January. Oh, happy me! Has something unexpected come across your path recently? Fret, not!
GOD is all over the details.