Monday, June 30, 2014

I Got Nothin'

I prayed.

I read my Bible.

I listened.

I watched.

I spent time reflecting.

I asked for help. For insight. For something.

But I got nothin'.

That's how it went the last time I was trying to make a video devotion for you. I got nothin'.

I turned off my computer, and as I sat in my living room - tempted to feel defeated - I recognized the heavenly irony of the whole situation. And I couldn't help but smile.
*I didn't have the sense that God was speaking to my heart about something to share with you - and I really wanted to have words with which to encourage you. But I had complete confidence that God is able to speak to your heart. And mine.
*I couldn't see you or know what you are facing in this moment, so as to know how to cheer you. But I had certainty that God sees you and knows what you need. Just as He sees me.
*I had no words to express the love and perfect plans God has for you. Yet my heart delighted in knowing He does. For both of us.
*Stories about God's trustworthiness, which might build you up, were escaping me. But I knew for a fact that He remains faithful and you can trust Him. As I can.
So I sat there saying to myself, I got nothin', but the Holy Spirit was telling me I have a God who knows my heart, who sees me in every moment, who loves me beyond anything I can imagine, and who is perfectly capable of meeting my every need.
And that's when I smiled at the irony of it all.

Because I realized in the midst of my feeling like I had nothing, the Truth was - I had everything. Karen

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