Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Women's Health PSA

So, this past summer someone I love very much had a double mastectomy.
She is doing well now. Doesn't even need chemo.
And that's a good thing. Thank You, Jesus!

Her experience caused her to implore me to go get my annual mammogram.
(Which I was kinda behind schedule on getting well over-due for OK I was avoiding it. *ahem*)
BUT, I finally got it done yesterday.
Not gonna lie. It was as unpleasant as always. Maybe more so.
But I got it done.
And if there's anything wrong, I'll find out sooner rather than later.

So, dear sister-friends of mine, are you up-to-date on your mammogram?
If not, go get yourself an appointment and get those girls checked.
Your life is too important to risk avoiding a little lot of discomfort.



Anonymous said...

I would highly recommend anyone considering a mammogram to look into the risks associated with mammograms, the connections to them possibly increasing risk of cancer and spreading existing cancer, and to fully investigate thermography as a safer option. Not trying to overtake your post, but this is something I've studied quite a bit and I will NEVER choose to get a mammogram. I would do thermography though. :)
- Kaira :)

Karen Hossink said...

Kaira - Thanks for your input. We definitely need to be aware of what we're doing!
I did some research on thermography and found this on breastthermography.com. "Note: Breast thermography offers women information that no other procedure can provide. However, breast thermography is not a replacement for or alternative to mammography or any other form of breast imaging. Breast thermography is a risk assessment tool that is meant to be used in addition to mammography and other tests or procedures. Breast thermography and mammography are complementary procedures, one test does not replace the other. All thermography reports are meant to identify thermal emissions that suggest potential risk markers only and do not in any way suggest diagnosis and/or treatment. Studies show that the earliest detection is realized when multiple tests are used together. This multimodal approach includes breast self-examinations, physical breast exams by a doctor, mammography, ultrasound, MRI, thermography, and other tests that may be ordered by your doctor."