Thursday, April 11, 2019

Come and See!

Come and see what God has done, how awesome his works in man's behalf!

Psalm 66:5

Have you been memorizing and thinking about Psalm 66:5 this week?

What comes to your mind when you consider the invitation to "Come and see"?
My first thought was of John 4 and the woman at the well.
Perhaps you are familiar with this scripture. But in case you are not, I'll give you a quick overview.
In this chapter we read about Jesus resting by a well because he is tired from a long journey. It is the middle of the day, and he is hot and thirsty. A Samaritan woman appraoches the well to draw water and Jesus asks her for a drink.
(This is unusual behavior because 1. Jews didn't like Samaritans, and 2. Men didn't usually talk to women.)
But neither of those conditions kept Jesus from reaching out in love to a woman who needed a Savior.
Nor did the fact that this woman wasn't exactly virtuous.
Jesus knew everything about her, and still He loved her. Still He pursued her. And ultimately revealed to her that He was the Messiah for whom she had been waiting.
Then the disciples showed up, the woman got nervous, and she took off for home. And when she got there she invited the people in town to "come and see". Jesus had captured her heart and she wanted everyone to know about Him.
My invitation for you is to read John 4 for yourself now.
What did the Samaritan woman say in verse 29?
How did the people respond in verses 30 and 39?
What changed in their response in verse 42?
If it is still true that the fields are ripe for harvest (v.35) how can your invitation for people to "come and see" affect the lives of those in your sphere of influence?
What awesome works has God done in your behalf?
Is there somebody who needs your invitation to "come and see"?

Praying for you this week as God works His Word into your heart!


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