Thursday, April 18, 2019

From the Sea into Dry Land

Have you been thinking about Psalm 66:6 this week?

He turned the sea into dry land,
they passed through the waters on foot -
come, let us rejoice in him.
Today I want to invite you to spend time studying the event behind that verse - as one of the awesome works God has done in man's behalf (Ps.66:5).
You'll find the account in Exodus 14.
And, actually, the thing I'm going to invite you to do will take a little while. But I promise - it will be so worth every minute you put into it!
Go ahead and print Exodus 14 so you can write all over it.
And now? Gather four different colored pencils or pens.
Just as we see different parties doing their thing in Psalm 66:6 (God turned the sea into dry land, "they" passed through the waters on foot, and "we" can rejoice in him.) so I want you to see who did what in Exodus 14. As you read, use different colors and underline what God did, what Moses did, what the Egyptians/Pharaoh did, and what the Israelites did.
(You can skip this step and just pay attention to who did what. But I'm telling you - it will be much more effective and rewarding if you take the time to write it out.)
I find it interesting to go back and read the story from the four different perspectives. First, read only what you underlined for God, then Moses, the Egyptians, and finally the Isralites.
Now that you're pretty familiar with the story (as if you weren't already...) summarize in a couple of sentences the situation the Israelites are facing.
How does Moses try to encourage them in verse 14?
What did God promise to do in verses 16-18?
What did God do in verse 20?
What did the Egyptians realize in verse 25?
What happened to the Egyptians in verse 26-28?
According to verse 30, was Moses accurate in what he said in verse 14?
How did the Israelites respond in verse 31?
How does this passage parallel Psalm 66:6?
In what ways have you seen God's awesome works in your behalf?
What response has His work evoked from your heart?
Why not take some time to thank and praise Him right now???


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