Friday, May 17, 2019

It's My Pleasure

Wednesday was an interesting day for me.

That is to say, my heart was feeling heavy because of a couple of interactions I had with not-very-happy people.

The first individual was a woman who came through the drive-thru at work. From the get-go I could tell she was upset about something, because she barely responded to me when I greeted her. She held her lips tightly, she made very little eye contact, and said even less. Everything in me wanted to reach out with grace and encouragement, but her non-verbal communication made it clear that she was not willing to receive any such input from me. So I just took care of her order, and tried to express as much kindness as possible in a situation where communication was all but non-existent.
The second individual was someone I encountered on my way home from work. Actually, we didn't even have a legitimate interaction. It really was just him expressing his feelings to me. That is, I was driving in front of him and - apparently - I did something terribly wrong. Not sure if it was the fact that I had been driving the speed limit, or if I somehow took too long turning into my neighborhood. Either way, when he passed me he cussed me out significantly and thoroughly blasted his car horn.
And since I had been thinking about the first individual while I was driving, my heart felt doubly sad by the anger expressed by individual number 2. Not that I was taking anything personally, mind you.
On a personal level, his actions didn't bother me at all.
Rather, the sadness came from the thought that two people (Likely more than two...) were wandering around town full of so much angst and irritation.
I wondered what burdens they must be carrying which caused them to react so harshly.
What trouble was overwhelming their day?
I deeply wished I could have done something to lighten each of their loads.
But that was not an option.

And, then?
Then I got home and found a message in my email which reminded me that God's love "should motivate us to put on compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience."
It said, "This is the clothing culture He wants us to adopt and wear every single day. And the most important article of clothing? Love." (Colossians 3:12-14)
With those words God's Spirit reminded me that although I may not always be able to say the words or do the things which will alleviate a person's pain, I can always - always! - treat them with love as I wear Him. He reminded me that when I respond with grace, others may get a glimpse of Him - and that matters so much more than anything I can say or do.

Yes, Lord. Please make me more like YOU so my little corner of the world may experience the goodness of your love.


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