Friday, May 31, 2019

It's My Pleasure

I love my job. I do!
From joking with guests to giving kids special attention to the adrenaline rush of getting through long lines of cars, it's really a great gig.

To be honest, though, not everyone I encounter at work is enjoyable.
Not every person laughs with me, or speaks with kindness, or even smiles back.
And, to be honest-er, with those individuals it's a challenge to maintain an It's My Pleasure! attitude. Because, really, the amount of negativity that some people give off? Whew! It threatens to steal my joy. (And I was up to my neck in it yesterday.)

Thanks be to God, however, that in the midst of the antagonism HE reminded me:

My joy doesn't come from my circumstance, or the people in it.

The relationship I have with God through Jesus is my ultimate source of joy. And nothing - not a rude comment, or a thoughtless action, or an uncaring remark - can take that joy away from me.
Indeed, it is the joy of the LORD living in me which enables me to extend kindness to one who has not been kind, and to speak life to one who has uttered words of contempt. And I am so thankful! 
Because if it was up to me? 
Well, let's just say, "It's my pleasure" might not be the words coming out of my mouth. *ahem*

Ahhhh, but it isn't up to me.
God is my joy, and He is my help. At Chick-fil-A, at home, and everywhere I go. I am trusting Him to equip me for the work He has created me to do, and I am trying to be faithful to Him in each situation where He places me.
How about you? In what ways are you discovering that God is your help?


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