Thursday, May 21, 2009

At Which Point I Realize...Part 2

If you missed yesterday's post, please click here to catch up.

OK, so I was sitting in judgement upon the Israelites because I was appalled by their grumbling and lack of faith. In spite of seeing God perform miraculous works, even though they saw Him deliver and provide in perfect time - still they allowed themselves to fret whenever "trouble" arose.
And as I sat there looking down on the Israelites, God began a conversation with me. It went something like this:

Karen, darling, what was it you were asking Me about just a few minutes ago?
Huh? God, how is it that You put up with these people wandering through the desert? Didn't You just want to give up on them?
No, dear. I'm not talking about the Israelites. I'm talking about you. What is it you were asking me about for your situation?
Oh! You mean when I was asking You to help my children grow in their faith?

Not that? Um, do You mean that little worry I had about money.
Well, maybe it was a little bigger than little.
Yes, sweetheart. That's what I mean. Karen, do you remember times in your past when you have been unsure of how you were going to be provided for?
Well, yeah. There have been lots of occasions.
Remember the deficits we faced when Brian was on staff with InterVaristy, and how You provided donors at just the right time? And those times when the kids needed clothes and our friend from church brought over bags and bags of hand-me-downs? Oh, and what about the day when You led my grandma to hand me a $50 bill instead of $20 to pay for her groceries. And she let me keep it, because she knew it was Your Hand?
Yes. You have always, always taken care of me. You're very creative, God. It has been amazing to see You work things out!
Thank you. So, Karen, why are you worried now?
What? Huh? Who said I'm worried?
Oh. I guess I said that, didn't I.
Yes, dear.
I forgive you, darling. Sweetheart, I have always taken care of you. I am bigger than your concerns and I can handle them. All of them.
I know you have a lot on your mind. I know you cannot see the things I see, and you do not know how it will all work out - as I know. And I'm glad you talk to Me about these things.
Please keep coming to Me and asking Me to help you with your children. Tell Me your needs - even though I already know them. Ask Me to give you wisdom. Tell Me about your concerns and fears. And then, darling, trust Me.
Remember My faithfulness to you in the past.
Remind yourself that I do not change.
And trust Me, darling. Trust Me.

I do, Father. I will.
Good. And now, Karen? One more thing.
Tell your blog friends that I love them!
I will!!!

Friends, God does love you. So very much! And I pray you will hold that knowledge in your hearts today!

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Crys said...

Thanks for the reminder, Karen. The grind of life can keep us from "seeing and hearing" God's voice. I am so blessed that He speaks through my friends.

Anonymous said...

GREAT reminder, Karen!! And I love your creativity with this post! :)
Patricia in nyc

luvmy4sons said...

Have you been peaking in on my conversations with God?! LOL! Love it! Love you!

Jessica Nelson said...

Thanks Karen. :-)

Anonymous said...

I love the way you write.

and one day I will buy your book. Just as soon as my husband lifts the moratorium on shopping......