Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, and to see my glory, the glory you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world.John 17:24Go ahead and read that verse again.Once more, even.Do Jesus' words strike you as they did me? Are you drawn by His desire for us?
Jesus said He wants us to be with Him, where He is.
He didn't simply ask God to watch over us and protect us from evil. Didn't say, "Father, these folks really mean a lot to Me. Please make a nice place for them in heaven so they can enjoy eternity."
Jesus said He wants us to be with Him, where He is.What an amazing thought! I don't know why those words have never reached me before, but I can tell you - my heart has been delighted as I've been considering the Truth that we are His desire. Jesus wants us to be with Him, and to know Him - to see His glory and fully understand Who He Is.If ever my heart were longing for heaven, friends, it is now!
Who's with me?
I'm with you!!
And I'm adding this verse to my latest blog post.
I'm with you too!!
What a great verse to keep in mind today! Makes me SMILE! :)
Jodi - LOVED that blog post!
I'm so glad you're with me. :o)
Patricia - Can you even imagine how we'll be smiling when we're finally WITH Him??!!
Hi Karen... thank you for coming by my blog the other day and the kind words... I know exactly what you mean. Just the other day I was thinking about the verses in Revelation where God says I will be with them and they will be my people and I will be their God. What an amazing thought that I can't even wrap my head around. He wants us there with Him. My mom is battling complications from lung cancer and every few months we think we are going to lose her. Through all this I have been longing more and more for that day when we will be with him and he will be with us. Thanks for the great reminder!!!
Angela - May God continue to shower you with His love and faithfulness as you go through this journey with your mother!
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