Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Jesus Stopped

I have come to love those words.

Jesus stopped.

You'll find them here in the story of Blind Bartimaeus. Specifically, in verse 49.
You see, Jesus was with a large crowd of people leaving the city of Jericho when a man by the name of Bartimaeus started calling out to Him, "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!" Bartimaeus was a blind beggar and many people told him to be quiet.
Think about it, Jesus was a busy Man. Just read the previous verses in Mark 10 if you don't believe me. EVERYONE wanted a piece of Him! I imagine that's why Bartimaeus was being shushed. People must have thought Jesus was too busy, too important to take time for a blind beggar like Bart.
But Bartimaeus called even more, "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!" And that's when He did it. In the midst of His busy-ness and the crowds who pushed in on Him, Jesus stopped.
He called Bartimaeus to Himself, asked what he wanted, and gave him back his sight.

Have you ever felt like you weren't worthy of Jesus' time and attention? Ever felt like He must be too busy running the universe to have time for the likes of you? Have you heard discouraging voices telling you to stop calling His Name?
Jesus stopped for Bartimaeus. I believe He will stop for you, too.

Keep calling!


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