Monday, July 13, 2009

God is in the Details

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luvmy4sons said...

Good morning Karen! I am in 2 Chronicles now...the geneology detail...I have often had the very same question about all the DETAIL found in the Old Testament. It is comforting to know He is in all the details..and also that He cares about the is evidence of His Holiness and perfection. I think too it also points to His high standard and our need of Him! Hugs sweet sister!

Leah Adams said...

You did a fantastic job with all those difficult names!!

I do love that He is in the details and nothing takes Him by surprise--NOTHING. He does know what He is doing.

Thanks for the reminder of His BIGNESS!!


Amanda said...

THanks for the prayers!! I am SOOOOOO needing God inthe details right now... you have no idea! So I thank you for this very timely and appropriate post!

Many blessings-

Genny said...


I loved this! Thank you.

I've actually been thinking about trying something similar. Do you mind me asking what kind of technology you use? Is your camera in your computer?

Thanks for any help,

Larie Carlice Proverbs 27:19 said...

Interesting and great application1

I really do like the way you read your Bible.


km said...

He sure book arrived today.

Heaven said...

My dear friend, totally needed to hear this today. I love it when you do videos because everytime, I picture you sitting across from me, just talking and encouraging me with God's words... Keep speaking for the Lord!

Thanks for the much needed reminder today! Would you consider saying a prayer for me and my oldest son?

Blessings! Heaven