After two full years had passed, Pharaoh had a dream.Genesis 41:1Do you know the story from which this line comes?
Joseph, after being betrayed by his brothers and sold into slavery, was wrongfully imprisoned. While in prison, Joseph met a couple guys and interpreted dreams for them. He asked the one who was going to be released from prison (Lucky guy, had a good dream!) to remember Joseph to Pharaoh. Joseph was asking for help to get out of prison.
But once he was out, that guy forgot Joseph. For two full years.
It wasn't until Pharaoh had a dream that Joseph's former cell mate remembered him. Two full years.Can you imagine what that must have been like for Joseph?
He had done nothing wrong, but Joseph's brothers were jealous of him and got rid of him. Next as a servant in Potiphar's house, he was an upright man but was still thrown into prison after being framed. Then in prison he befriended two guys and had hopes of being released when one of them was set free.
He just had to wait.
Wait for that man to talk to Pharaoh about Joseph. Wait for Pharaoh to listen to Joseph's case and hope he had a compassionate heart. Wait for his release. Wait.
If it were me, I think I would have expected to wait a week, or so. You know, give the guy time to get back in Pharaoh's good graces before he brings up my case. That seems reasonable. But after two weeks, and three weeks, and then a month went by, I think I would be giving up hope.
How about you? I wonder if Joseph had lost hope. Certainly he had been forgotten by his friend. Did he feel like God had also forgotten him? Have you ever felt that way? Are you feeling like that right now?
Then let's look at the rest of the story. Pharaoh did find out about Joseph. He did summon Joseph from prison. And, recognizing that God was with Joseph, Pharaoh made him governor of the land. Joseph went on to save the land as he managed the food before and during a severe famine. He ended up being re-united with his father and brothers, and "they all lived happily ever after."The thought I want to leave with you today is this: God has not forgotten you. Even if the wait seems as though it will never end, you can trust that God is working all things for good.