My family and I are going on vacation tomorrow. (Yes, we waited until the LAST week of the summer...) Soooooo, I won't be blogging until we get back. May you keep your eyes and heart firmly fixed upon Jesus this week!
See you back here next Tuesday.
God sees. And that's really what matters.
I just had my anniversary at Edgewood, which meant it was time for my annual review. So my boss and I sat down Monday to talk about my work performance. For the most part, things went as I expected they would. BUT there was one category on which we didn't see eye to eye.What can I say? I love these kids!
Beauty and Beau had such a great time at Edgewood when they came for the Dance for the Cure in March that they wanted to have another dance while Beau is with us this week. But, uh, I would need more than a couple days to plan an awesome party like that again! So I suggested they could come Tuesday evening to help me with Pizza Night.She sounded apologetic in the voice mail.
Hi, Karen. This is Missy. The XYZ committee has chosen another woman to be the speaker for their event. She is from North Carolina and I'm sure travel costs played into their decision. That's how it goes sometimes...
I trust God to open the doors through which He wants me to walk. Raleigh wasn't one of them - and I'm OK with that!And I mean that with all of my heart. One of the most valuable lessons I have learned over the past eight years - through speaking, and life-in-general - is that when God says, Yes, it's a very good thing. And when He says, No, it is also a very good thing.
Ahhhhh, they're cracking me up!
Beau (Elizabeth's sweetheart) is staying with us this week. And while I am enjoying watching the two of them interact, I am also spending a great deal of time laughing as I watch Joshua and Nick interact. They're like a couple of real brothers, I tell ya.
Posted by
Karen Hossink
6:00 AM
2 surviving with me
Labels: As the Children Grow, For Laughter, Joshua
Sparkles make everything better.
I found a craft online a few weeks ago which I decided to do with the residents at Edgewood. We took glass ivy bowls, poured some acrylic paint into them, and tipped the bowls to get the paint to coat the inside. And, to be quite honest, although the residents seemed delighted with their projects I wasn't so impressed.It happens quite frequently when I meet a younger mother and she inquires about my children.
"How old are they?" she asks.
And I tell her, "They're 17, 15, and 13."
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.~Romans 15:13
Posted by
Karen Hossink
6:00 AM
0 surviving with me
Labels: As the Children Grow, Burnt Out Mom, Hope in Hard Times, Motherhood Encouragement
I just started reading Leviticus in my read-through-the-Bible program.
And the first thing I did was apologize to God for my attitude that this was going to be a dry, boring read. Laws, laws, laws. That's all I could think of - I'd be reading about laws.
How was that material going to draw me into HIS presence???
Let's see, I think it began when I turned my back for just a second and my toddler fell down the stairs.
Er, no. It was before that. I guess it was the time I didn't pack enough diapers for our outing, so my baby had to sit in a poopy mess and ended up with a terrible diaper rash. On the other hand, I remember feeling it when I had such a hard time figuring out how to nurse, and I was afraid my baby wasn't going to thrive. Or maybe it began while I was still at the hospital after giving birth. I remember sitting on the edge of my bed in tears with the realization that when I went home, there would be no Nurse Button. And I didn't think I'd be able to handle a baby on my own. Then again, that feeling may have been creeping in while I was still pregnant - wondering if I was eating the right foods, and hoping all the parenting resources I was consuming would keep me from failing as a mommy. Whenever it began, I have to admit it's still with me some days. Even as recently as last week when we had a "discussion" about a math test Josh needs to take. He's known since the beginning of June the test was coming, but he hasn't been studying. (Too busy fishing, you know!) And I haven't beenWe don't get it "right" all the time (or much of the time) and that's OK. Our children are not going to fail in life just because we aren't perfect. God IS perfect, and HE will work through us - in spite of us - to bring our children to adulthood. We can rest in God's grace and be motivated by His love, rather than driven by Mommy Guilt.And again I ask, Can I get a witness?
Posted by
Karen Hossink
6:00 AM
4 surviving with me
Labels: Encouraging Words, Grace for Moms, Motherhood Encouragement
Posted by
Karen Hossink
6:00 AM
0 surviving with me
Labels: Trusting God, Video Devotions, Waiting
You can't do it. But GOD CAN.
So, I just celebrated my 20th wedding anniversary on Wednesday, and today I have another. Anniversary, that is. Not another wedding! *wink* Today marks my third anniversary as the Activities Director at Edgewood Retirement Center.
Posted by
Karen Hossink
6:00 AM
2 surviving with me
Labels: Hope in Hard Times, Lessons From the Edge, Reflections
I worked a long day at Edgewood - running around getting things in place for our activities, making sure residents were happy, tying up loose ends. All the typical stuff I do in a day at work.
I came home and sat down for maybe five minutes before I got back up to start working on dinner. And I made a beautiful dinner. If I may say so myself.
(No pictures. I was entirely too busy to think about that!)
Then, tired to the core, I picked up my phone to call Matthew home for dinner.
Posted by
Karen Hossink
6:00 AM
2 surviving with me
Labels: Matthew, Motherhood Encouragement, Perspective Checks
Just say I look like I have it all together.
OK, I'm being a bit extreme when I say that statement offends me.Even rainy days have bright sides.
I took a group of residents to watch the Lansing Lugnuts play baseball on Wednesday. It was a noon game so we had plans to eat lunch at the ballpark, and hopefully watch the Lugnuts bring home a win.We've had this date planned for almost a year, and I have been hyping it up to the residents, recruiting them to sign up and come along for a good month now.
Posted by
Karen Hossink
6:00 AM
0 surviving with me
Labels: Lessons From the Edge, Perspective Checks
So, I went through a weekend which was supposed to be fun, but seemed more like a pit to me.
But God used it for good. In the days that followed, I had good conversations. Healing, even. And I came to some realizations which are strengthening my resolve to be mentally healthy.