Oh, the irony!
I recorded this video last week, but got busy and FORGOT to post it. *ahem*
Ahhhh, better late than never!

I'm still shaking my head over a situation which arose this week at GLC.
I'm saddened and ashamed that it happened. And I am asking God to help me aright it all. The back-story is: On Monday I was made aware that some of my co-workers felt like I was excluding them. They believed I thought I was "better" than them - because I don't make a habit of stopping and talking to them through the day.It was probably ten years ago that Josh and I tended our own little garden plot for the summer.
Besides lots of yummy vegetables, we had a section for zinnias. Because Grandma Peggy told us they were beautiful flowers - which attract butterflies and are not typically eaten by deer. And she was so right.
I loved gazing at those colorful blooms.
So, I mentioned yesterday that my trip to Ecuador with Compassion International is less than three weeks away.
And I am so excited about it.
I've started buying the things I need (like bug spray and travel-size shampoo). I have a pile of gifts and supplies beginning to accumulate in the corner of my bedroom. And I am thinking about what to take, and what to leave home.
Of course, any mother knows - when you're preparing to go away you also spend a considerable amount of time thinking about/preparing for what your family will need in your absence.
*Read that: What are they going to have for dinner?*
So, this question has also been on my mind as I have been counting down to my trip.
I came to a conclusion, and decided to discuss my idea with Brian Sunday afternoon. Ya know, so he could have input - rather than me just dropping a bomb on him and the boys.
Because my conclusion was this: Seeing as they are all big boys now (Matthew turned 16 last week!) I believe they can handle eight days on their own. Soooooo, I am not going to make their dinners before I leave. Rather, I am going to give them the opportunity to come up with their own meal plan, make their own grocery list, buy their own groceries, and prepare their own meals.
Doesn't that sound like fun???
I am fully aware they will go out to eat a couple times. I realize their meal plans likely won't include much in the way of salads and veggies. And I understand mac & cheese and pizza (Order in, not make-your-own.) might appear on the menu a time, or two.
But that's OK with me.
*The three of them have agreed to pitch in and work together to get 'er done. Admittedly, one of the first questions was whether Elizabeth would be home during that time. And they were disappointed to find out she'll already be gone for the summer. So they aren't going to be able to rely on anyone else.
*They're going to realize how much work I do fun I have keeping them fed.
*I'm guessing they'll come to appreciate the little things I do - like notice when milk is getting low during the week and buy more so it "never runs out."
*They'll learn the value of budgeting their time and disciplining themselves with regard to extra activities - so they can eat.
*And I'm trusting they will finally appreciate just how good they have it - having healthy, delicious meals prepared and ready for them every day of the week.
Posted by
Karen Hossink
6:00 AM
0 surviving with me
Labels: Adventures in Mothering, As the Children Grow
My heart is smiling.
If you're friends with me on Facebook, go on over to my page and watch the video I shared Thursday night. For the rest of you, lemme tell ya 'bout it.So, last week a letter came in the mail from our pediatrician.
It was addressed to Josh. I'm calling it his Graduation Letter.What's on your heart today?
Big things? Little things? In-between things? Any impossible things? I have some items from each of those categories floating around in my heart and head.
Posted by
Karen Hossink
6:00 AM
0 surviving with me
Labels: HE - Knowing God, Prayer, Trusting God
Posted by
Karen Hossink
6:00 AM
0 surviving with me
Labels: Make Me More Like YOU, Video Devotions
OK. I'm just going to put it out there.
Politely.I am not enthusiastic about either presumed presidential candidate.I drove to Detroit Saturday and picked up my girl from the airport.
Elizabeth is home!!! Home, that is, until she leaves again to study at Wheaton's science center in the Black Hills.
Posted by
Karen Hossink
6:00 AM
2 surviving with me
Labels: As the Children Grow, Elizabeth, Mom's Heart, Trusting God
So, there is this woman at GLC who is not a very friendly - or even likable - gal.
In fact, I think the first words she ever spoke to me were, "Don't touch me."
14 He will be a joy and delight to you, and many will rejoice because of his birth, 15 for he will be great in the sight of the Lord... 16 He will bring back many of the people of Israel to the Lord their God.Luke 1:14-16Years ago I sat listening to a dear friend reading these words to me. The scripture is the foretelling of John the Baptist. But at the time, I had the distinct sense God was making that same promise to me about one of my sons.
Posted by
Karen Hossink
6:00 AM
0 surviving with me
Labels: Adventures in Mothering, As the Children Grow, Hope in Hard Times, Trusting God
My heart says of you, “Seek his face!”I am very much looking forward to the Women's Listening Retreat coming up in October.
Your face, Lord, I will seek. ~Psalm 27:8
Saturday afternoon Brian suggested we should all go see a movie that night.
I didn't recognize the names of most of what's showing, and wasn't interested in the one or two I did recognize. So I clicked on Mother's Day to watch the trailer. It looked OK to me. I was sure it would evoke some laughter from us all. Hence I cast my vote.
But I was quickly out-voted by the guys in my house - who all wanted to see Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice. Can I just say, action films are not my cup of tea? While I may have watched Superfriends when I was a kid, spending 151 minutes viewing grown men dressed in superhero costumes - doing whatever it was they were going to be doing - did not sound compelling to me.
However, wanting to go to the movies with all my guys, and realizing I was not likely to get Josh and Matthew to agree to a "romantic comedy," I reluctantly consented to Batman. (And I consoled myself with the knowledge that I could get popcorn.)
I recorded this video before going into work last week. And on my drive in, a song came on the radio which reminds me of the subject of the discouragement to which I refer here. I started praying about the issue and thanking God for reminding me AGAIN of His Truth. And just like that, He showed me how the scriptures I'd just shared in this video spoke to my present situation. Yes, the scriptures I had selected "randomly."
Oh, how I love it when He shows His faithfulness so clearly.