Monday, May 03, 2010

Are You Enough?



Patricia said...

PROFOUND!!! LOVED this, Karen!!!
What an awesome way to start the week!!

Love ya!!

Sara K. said...

Oh Karen, I just put my youngest son down for his nap, and my oldest son in his "roomtime"... and this is just what I find myself asking: "Am I enough? Can I even do this parenting thing?" My oldest son, oh how I love him, but he pushes me to the very limits of my patience and self-control with his almost-constant arguing and complaining... so not only does that grate on me, but then I wonder deep down if it's my faulty parenting that is causing it... and that really touches a nerve too...

Oh Jesus, please take what I have and make it enough, in Your great power, to train up these crazy little boys into godly young men (someday)!!

Karen Hossink said...

Patricia - Thank you!

Sara - Oh, how I understand you. So well.
There's an article I think you should read. Go to and search for 'The Myth of the Perfect Parent.' REALLY good thoughts there!

gianna said...

I don't know how long Sara has been stopping by Surviving Motherhood, but your blog sounds just like what she needs!
I was reading in Isaiah 14 today (literally on my bedroom floor kind of hiding out from everyone for 5 minutes) in verses 7-8 it talks about the israelites are at rest and peace and even the trees don't have to worry about destruction. After YHWH used Babylon to discipline Israel, they are being "taken care of." Israel gets to "taunt" them but not because THEY themselves are getting justice but because they are letting YHWH work. They are resting in Him because they can't do it. I really like how you said that Jesus just asked them, "Well, what do you have to work with?" Like you said, he didn't say, well figure it out and if you have any questions, I am here. He asked them what there was to eat and then did the rest! Amazing! I LOVE this. I don't have to make sure that everything in my life is exactly how I want it. My life is a tool for God to use and He can do amazing things.

Sara K. said...

Karen, that article is AMAZING! Just what I needed! I have indeed been asking myself the wrong question all along -- "Am I being successful in my parenting?" -- instead of "Am I being *faithful* in my parenting?" SO GOOD! I felt God nudging me, too, on my way to McDonald's before I read this, that I need to not make those parenting books my guide, but use HIS WORD as my only guide!

I am so WEARY of feeling like a loser mom, my heart being squeezed tightly in a vise-grips, like I'll never win, my kids aren't performing, it's all my fault, blah blah blah. Sick of it, I am! I am ready to break out of the shackles!! To be honest, I have been considering for awhile now throwing away a couple of the parenting books I have -- not because they are "bad" but because they make me stumble!

Can't thank you enough for the recommendation, Karen!! [I even printed it out.]

Karen Hossink said...

Gianna - "They are resting in Him because they can't do it." That's exactly where I want to be. Resting in Him. Sometimes 5 minutes is all it takes, amen?
Love you!

Sara - Ahhh! So glad you came back and read the article. My mentor mailed me a copy of it a couple months ago after we had 'another' conversation about my struggle with parenting. There's a lot of freedom in there!
I feel the same way about parenting books. While I'm sure they can be really helpful to some people, to me they set a standard of perfection - If I just do everything the way they prescribe, my kids will be prefect. (and so will I) - which I just cannot obtain.
Stumbling. Yep. Me, too.

Glad to be on this journey with you!

Edie said...

In an impossible situation. Thank you for this today Karen. I know I always say that your messages speak to my heart but they really do.

I needed your focus on this today. He will take what I have and make it enough. Reminds me of the widows oil.

I will be praying on this today.
Love you!

Karen Hossink said...

Edie - Before I ever hit the record button, I always pray that God will speak through the devotion. And He is faithful!
Father, thank You for speaking to Edie today. Please show her how You are going to take what she has - and make it enough. Please show her that, with You, her impossible situation is not impossible!

Edie said...

Thanks my sweet friend. You are a blessing. :)