OK. Seriously. Why do crazy things happen to me when I have speaking engagements?
Saturday I was driving up to Gaylord. I was going to spend the night with my mom and dad, and then speak for a group of high school senior girls and their moms on Sunday.
I was kinda drowsy so, about 45 minutes into my trip, I decided to stop to get a caffinated beverage.
As I moved into the deceleration lane and began to apply my brakes, I was shocked to discover
they were hardly there! With my foot pressed all the way to the floor, the van did come to a stop at the light. I pulled into the McDonald's parking lot and heard a terribly loud squeaking noise coming from the back of the van. (I'd had the radio on for the entire trip, so I had no idea if it had been making that noise the whole way.) Because I wasn't sure I'd be able to stop predictably in the drive-thru - and because the squeaking noise was so embarrasing - I parked the van and went inside to get my drink.
After I came back out I called Brian to get his input on my plan of action.
Do I keep driving to Gaylord, hope for the best, and maybe get new brakes before I return home? (On a Sunday. Yeah. That'll happen!) Do I drive back to Okemos and take Brian's car, leaving him to deal with the van for the weekend? OR,
Do I stay put and have someone come fix the van in Ithaca?We decided on the second option.
So I started the van and cautiosly made my way back onto the highway. And I prayed,
LORD, please keep me safe on this journey! I'd driven for nearly half an hour when I had to get onto a different highway. Realizing I needed to be give myself plenty of time to slow down, I applied my brakes a little early. I was shocked again. This time I felt the brakes. In fact, they were quite strong. I pressed them again to make sure I wasn't imagining things, and there they were - as good as new. So it seemed.
When Brian met me with his car, I immediately said to him, "You've got to believe me. My brakes really weren't working!...And now they seem to be." *blush*
We agreed that he should take the van anyway. Just in case. And with that, I was on my way back up north.
Saturday night I texted Brian to let him know I'd made it safely to Gaylord. And this was his response: "Yea! No problems w/the van...but im sure it was acting up for u. Really."
I felt so silly. Though I thought he probably believed me, it just seemed crazy. How could the brakes be working fine one moment, give out the next, and then go right back to working again? *Whatever!*
When I got home Sunday, Brian chided me, "The brakes have been working fine all weekend." And when I drove to and from work Monday, they were still great.
But you've got to believe me. They really did give out on Saturday afternoon! I know, none of it makes sense. I can't understand it, myself. And the whole thing has led me to only one explanation.
HE does brake work.
I mean, I'd asked Him to keep me safe on the journey. What better way for a Father to do that, than to give his daughter new brakes??? *wink*