The one thing I ask of the LORD -I am memorizing Psalm 27 with two of my friends, and we are currently working on verse 4.
the thing I seek most -
is to live in the house of the LORD all the days of my life,
delighting in the LORD's perfections
and meditating in his Temple. Psalm 27:4
I love this psalm, and particularly - this verse. It paints such a beautiful picture of the heart of a person who truly seeks the LORD. Wanting nothing more than to just be with HIM. *Ahhhhh* But a funny thing happened to me when I started memorizing this verse.
It's kind of a long verse, so I decided to memorize it in two parts. For the first couple of days I was rehearsing, The one thing I ask of the LORD- the thing I seek most-.
Repeating those words over and over made me wonder: What is the "one thing" I seek most?
Well, there's peace in the midst of my chaos, wisdom for raising my children, grace to deal with difficult people in my life, courage to do the right thing, and various needs for several people who are on my heart.
Yeah, that's a lot more than "one thing".
But it's a pretty good representation of the thing(s) I seek most.
Annnnnd, before I go any further~
Let me just say this: I am more than confident that God loves to meet our needs. HE created us. We are HIS. And I believe it delights God's heart when we acknowledge our dependence on Him by asking Him to supply everything we need to make it through our days.
However, when I started memorizing the second part of verse 4 my heart came under conviction. Because I saw a vast difference between the psalmist's "one thing" and mine. The psalmist wasn't looking at his circumstances for his "one thing". Rather, he was looking at the LORD. And I have to believe focusing on the LORD had a beautiful impact on his heart. Oh, to want nothing more in life than to live in the house of the LORD, to delight in His perfections, and meditate in His Temple.
And so, in the midst of learning Psalm 27:4, I am also asking God to continue the transformation of my heart and my desires. Because I want to be able to say with the psalmist, The one thing I ask of the LORD - the thing I seek most - is to live in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, delighting in the LORD's perfections and meditating in his Temple.