Thursday, March 28, 2019

We WILL Bow Down

All the earth bows down to you;
they sing praise to you, they sing praise to your name.

~Pslam 66:4

How are you doing on memorizing Psalm 66:4 this week?
I pray the LORD is speaking to your heart through His Word!

As I have been thinking about the earth bowing down to God, I came across Isaiah 45 and I want to encourage you to read it today. (The entire chapter is in the link above - in case you don't have your Bible right beside you at the moment.)
Ahhhh, this Word is so rich! Perhaps you will want to read it a couple of times.(!)
What reason does God give in verses 3 and 6 for what He is doing?
As you read, notice the repreated statement God makes about Himself (in various ways).
Also note the many times He mentions what He has created and the purpose for His actions. What do you learn about God's character?
How does God distinguish Himself from idols/gods in verses 20-22?
What can HE do which they canNOT?
How do verses 23-25 relate to Psalm 66:4?
What is God saying to your heart about your position before Him?


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