First things, first.
An update on B.
He is back from the hospital, and has not received his miracle yet. But I'm still praying for it!
So this week I decided to follow up on the suggestion I have received to see if I could get B to communicate his needs by singing them. I told him my idea and offered a couple phrases he could use, then sang them and had him copy me. We did, "I need the bathroom," "I want a pillow," and "I want a cookie," to the tune of You Are My Sunshine. And the look of delight on B's face was beautiful. But not nearly as beautiful as the next thing. I said to B, "Try this one. 'I love my Jesus!'" And he sang, I love my Jesus! With a smile on his face, and tears in his eyes. It had been too long since he'd been able to say those words.
It felt like a huge break through. Oh, the possibilities! If he can think of what he wants and sing it, he will be able to eliminate so much frustration. (His, and everyone else's...)
And I truly think I saw hope in his expression.
To be honest, we have much work ahead of us. I want to practice singing these phrases with B. And he needs lots of encouragement to ward off his frustration, think about what he wants, and put those wants to music. But I believe he can do it. I really do.
While singing wants, needs, and desires may seem a bit unconventional, I am over-the-top excited about the prospect of B being able to communicate them.
Yes, it would be wonderful if his ability to speak was restored. We would rejoice, to be sure.
At the moment, however, he cannot speak. But he can sing. And it looks quite promising that we'll be able to help him communicate with singing. There's more than one way to skin a cat.
So you know - like much of the blogging world - I am taking a break for the next two weeks. Looking forward to time with family and friends, without any thoughts regarding posts.
Lord willing, I'll meet you back here in January, 2015.
Have a Merry Christmas!!!
Disclaimer: The ideas and opinions expressed in this post are my own, and may not necessarily reflect those of Vista Springs Living Centers.